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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee Police

8/3 - Loepp Furniture and Appliance reported gas siphoned from a truck, and would provide security footage.

- Police were unable to find anyone matching the description of a woman reportedly walking down Roosevelt Drive screaming about her son being on drugs and held hostage.

8/5 - An officer helped a couple exit their overturned truck on SR-174 near milepost 23. They were uninjured. They explained that they had purchased the truck and were using it to tow their other vehicle back to Lincoln County where they are from. A buck crossed the road, and they tried to avoid hitting it; however, they hit it near the driver side and the maneuver caused the truck and the vehicle they were towing to tip over, causing damage to both vehicles. The vehicles needed to be towed.

- Following a complaint, police spoke to a woman on Butler Square about her dogs barking. Apparently, her dogs and a neighbor’s dogs often bark at each other.

8/6 - An officer responded to a Lakeview Avenue home to where a 911 hangup call was traced. No one came to the door when he knocked, and he saw no signs of distress when he looked inside the windows.

- Police responded to a vehicle rollover near milepost 20 on SR-174 where a man explained that as he was driving his SUV from Spokane to Okanogan, a semi-truck crossed over the centerline, causing him to steer towards the shoulder, and when his tire hit the dirt on the side of the road, his car headed down the hill, landing upside down. The man was having the car towed, and police gave him a ride to Safeway to catch a ride to Okanogan.

- An E Street man reported that his nephew took his debit card and made $1,000 in charges, including buying gas and cigarettes at Coulee Gas. Police are collecting more information from the man and security footage from the gas station.

- Police found nothing of note at Osborn Bay where campfires were reported.

8/8 - After a report of the driver possibly being under the influence of alcohol, police watched a white pickup truck as it left Safeway. While following the truck, police saw the driver was following the speed limit and not swerving from left to right or showing any other signs of intoxicated driving.

- Police spoke to a woman on Burdin Boulevard where they were investigating a possible physical altercation. She appeared to be high on stimulants and was unable to form a complete sentence, eventually walking away from police.

- A woman in Lincoln County requested police assistance in helping her get her horse out of a hole, stating that county officers take too long to respond. An officer told her police didn’t have the resources to help, but called the fire department, then the veterinary clinic who collected the woman’s contact info to try and find a way to help her.

- Police spoke to a man who allegedly had been caught trying to steal jerky from Coulee Gas when they located him sitting at a taco truck down the street. The man was banned from the gas station.

- Police explained to a man at Osborn Bay that there are no fires allowed in the county. The man extinguished his fire near the lake.

8/9 - Police talked to a man on Roosevelt Drive who was “juggling fire” to wrap up his hobby for the night after a neighbor complained that he was playing with nunchucks that were on fire. The man said he was about done anyway.

8/10 - A loose dog was placed back into its yard on O’Sullivan Avenue.

8/11 - Police went to the Crown Point overlook in Douglas County where three dogs were said to be acting aggressively towards people. Police saw the dogs, and were able to load two of them into a police car to be taken to an animal outreach facility in Omak. The third had run off. An officer observed that the dogs were in poor health.

- Police instructed two men to separate after they had argued about one of them driving his dune buggy too fast on the dirt road, kicking up dust.

- Police told a man shooting at Osborn Bay that shooting wasn’t allowed there because of the hot weather.

8/12 - An 18-year-old man was cited for being a minor in possession of alcohol after police responded to Dill Avenue because of a report of a “verbal disturbance.” The man was said to be acting belligerently.

8/13 - Police went to a Coulee Boulevard residence where they arrested a man wanted on a warrant for failure to register as a sex offender. The man was arrested and taken to Grant County Jail.

- Police were unable to locate a dangerous animal on Center Street described as a “large cat.”

8/14 - A reported suspicious person at Pole Park turned out to be a guy who dropped his lighter and was looking around for it.

- Someone was reportedly trying to sell miscellaneous items out of their truck in a Midway Avenue parking lot, but was gone before police arrived. The vehicle was then found near Dill Avenue, where a man explained that he was trying to sell Gucci brand sunglasses for gas money to get back to Spokane. He believed he had collected enough money to get back. Police thanked him for explaining the situation.


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