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Some confusion on how newspapers function?

Letters from our readers

I’ve read a few of the recent letters to the editor and there seems to be some confusion on how newspapers function.  Yes, one of their roles is to disseminate news and keep their readers apprised of events that may concern the public.  These articles typically deliver facts and quotes from the principal players concerning the public matters.  The Star seems to thoroughly cover the area in this regard.

However, newspapers have an editorial responsibility, as well.  Election season, newspapers all over the country come out for or against political candidates or initiatives on the ballot.  They also publish letters to the editor from readers who disagree with their stance.  An editor that takes no position on important issues does his or her readers no service.  An editor whose stance is dictated by the popularity of his or her beliefs amongst the community has abandoned his conscience.  Part of the role of editorial of pages is to act as gadfly for the community, to stir it to dialogue.  Sometimes the results of that conversation is counter what the editor advocates (Trump’s election in 2016 for some; Biden’s election in 2020 for others) but fueling the dialogue is one of the most integral roles the press plays.  Too often national news (Fox and MSNBC for example) pander to their audiences and create, instead of a dialogue between people who see the world differently, a consensus of talking heads nodding in agreement on who their viewers ought to hate.

It strikes me the lively conversation on the editorial page, including the letters to the editor is evidence that The Star is performing its role as initiator and caretaker of public conversation quite well.  I find myself agreeing with some of what the editorial pages publish and disagreeing with other portions, but I always come away thinking more deeply about the matter at hand and feeling better informed because of this. 

Bruce Holbert


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