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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


9/25 - Police were unable to learn if a hit and run accident had occurred in the Safeway parking lot. The owner of the vehicle noticed the damage after returning home. Her daughter, who had been in possession of the vehicle, hadn’t noticed the damage herself. She and her friend said they had been at Safeway to get ingredients for tacos. Security footage didn’t show the vehicle in the parking lot at the time they said they were there.

9/26 - A dog growls and takes an aggressive stance outside of Main Street residences, preventing people from leaving their home. Police spoke to the people who live there, as well as with a woman who said the dog isn’t hers, it’s her boyfriend’s. Police told the people to call the police with any further incidents and to take any action necessary to defend themselves from the dog.

- A $445 check was declined from a Coulee Playland customer in what appears to be a case of fraud. Police left a message for the woman associated with the check. She called Coulee Playland, who didn’t wish to press charges “yet,” in the hopes she would pay. Police said it was unlikely, and asked Yakima police to try to contact the woman. The address connected to her was an empty field, and her mailing address connected to a medical laboratory. The woman has a criminal history in that area.

- A man on School Avenue requested police respond because “they have nothing better to do.” Police responded. The man, sitting in his living room, told police, “I’m good,” then ignored police by watching TV.

9/27 - Police spoke with Young Street residents regarding neighboring dogs possibly fighting. The dogs weren’t fighting, but were barking at each other.

- A man was reported as lying near the roadway of Spokane Way then walking to his King Street residence. Police spoke to him there. He was intoxicated and had a laceration on his face, but he denied needing any treatment.

9/29 - Three vehicles parked along Midway Avenue had damaged windows, seemingly from a BB gun.

Coulee Dam


9/29 - Police heard what sounded like a small-caliber gunshot in the area of River Drive. Police drove around the area and didn’t find anything related to the noise.

10/1 - Police heard a fire alarm at the casino, and after speaking to an employee, found that it was a false alarm.


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