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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


11/30 - Police checked on a 2nd Street woman at the request of someone who hadn’t heard from her in a couple of weeks. The woman was fine and said she doesn’t check her phone often.

- Police checked on a King Street man who lives without electricity or running water. The man was fine and had a couple of women at the residence with him. Police saw a propane stove being used for heat and warned them about the dangers of using propane stoves indoors. 

12/1 - A man and woman dined and dashed at a Midway Avenue restaurant. The pair ordered breakfast and two mimosas each, totaling $78, left a debit card with the waitress, then said they were going out to smoke. They never returned, and the card was declined. Police collected the card and looked into the name on it, which connected to a woman with a history of theft in Grant County associated with a man. Police were unable to reach her. They kept the card and collected photos of the man and woman from the restaurant’s security system. They will be charged with theft.

12/2 - A woman reported being a victim of insurance fraud. While getting coffee at a drive through on Midway Avenue, her foot had come off the brake pedal while grabbing her coffee, and she rolled forward into the vehicle in front of her. She provided her information to the other driver but received no information from her. That driver had said there wasn’t any new damage, the reporting party said. Later, she was notified of insurance claims of $1,000 and $2,200, including for a new hitch. Police looked at photos of the damage to the car that was hit and determined it to be old damage due to there being dirt in the scratches. Police contacted that driver, who said that the damage was new and that a Wilbur auto shop had told her those were the costs of repairs.

12/3 - A man reported that while staying at a Kelso Avenue residence, he heard a noise outside, where a woman was standing on the porch with a metal “stick” and swung it at him. A post prevented the stick from making contact, he said, and he told her she needed to leave. She dropped the metal stick and picked up his ax, then walked towards her own nearby residence, he reported. He told her to return his ax, but she flipped him off before walking inside her home. Police obtained a search warrant for the woman and officers from other agencies assisted in carrying out the search warrant. The woman shouted at them from her window but didn’t grant them access. Police eventually used a ram to knock her door down, then found that she had taken her clothes off and was sitting on her bed. She was told to get dressed and surrender, which she did. Police returned the ax to the owner. A metal pipe and a large kitchen knife were also found outside the residence where the incident first started. The woman was arrested and taken to jail for assault and theft.

12/4 - Police assisted an ambulance crew with lifting a patient into the ambulance.

- Police spoke to a man who was driving without a valid license. He asserted that it was a constitutional right for him to operate a vehicle. Police said it was a privilege, not a right. The man tried to look for proof on his phone of a constitutional right, but couldn’t. He was cited for driving without a valid license.


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