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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


3/21 - Police spoke to three females and a male in a car that ran out of gas and was parked on the dirt road to the Crescent Bay area off SR-155. The officer estimated them to be about 18 years old. There was an empty Twisted Tea alcoholic beverage on the floorboard, and it appeared that the three young women had smoked marijuana, while the young man hadn’t, and said he had been the one driving. One of the young women was sitting in the driver’s seat, and allegedly gave police a fake name. She faces charges of making a false statement and obstruction for that. A parent came and put gas in the car, and the juveniles were all given rides home. The group also faces charges for being minors in possession. Because they were not seen driving the vehicle, there are no charges for driving under the influence.

3/22 - Police checked on a man at the Continental Heights apartments after someone reported hearing yelling and things being knocked over. The man said he was just drinking beer and watching TV. Police saw his apartment to be clean and orderly, and the TV to be at an appropriate volume.

- Extra patrols were requested in the Section Place area, where a security camera had shown someone stash a bike at the carport of an unoccupied summer residence at about 2 a.m., then return an hour later.

3/25 - A man was ticketed for going 47 miles per hour in the 30 mph zone on SR-155  near Pole Park. He said he knew he had been going fast.

- Police pulled over a car with expired tabs on Spokane Way. The man said he had purchased the vehicle recently and called his wife to send a photo of the bill of sale. The bill of sale was written on notebook paper and didn’t include details like a VIN number. The man also had a suspended license from not paying traffic fines. He was cited for that and the expired registration.

- Police responded to King Street, where a man was taking items from the backyard of a residence. He explained that he was taking items for his friend who isn’t allowed on that property. The property owner didn’t wish to press charges. The man was told he wasn’t allowed to return.

- Police pulled a pickup over after seeing it in the Four Corners area driving without headlights and going off the roadway while making a turn. The driver said he simply didn’t realize he had the lights off. He was cited for not having a valid license or insurance and was warned about going off the road.

3/26 - A woman was taken to Grant County Jail for assault after allegedly shoving her mother and sister at a Dill Avenue residence during an argument.

3/27 - Police determined that no physical fight had occurred during an argument at a Burdin Boulevard home. Police gave a man a courtesy ride from the residence to Coulee Dam.

- Police told Bowen Street residents they would have to go through an eviction process to get a man who had been staying there for a few months to leave. Even though he didn’t pay rent, he had established residency there.

- Police checked on a Batchelor Square man at the request of his nephew who was concerned the uncle didn’t answer his phone. The uncle has a new phone number and said he’d call his nephew.

- Police shot and killed an injured deer near the intersection of Spokane Way and SR-174. The deer was likely hit by a vehicle. 

Coulee Dam


3/19 - Police went to a Third Street residence in Electric City to investigate a possible burglary. No one was inside, but there was a TV on. The owner later confirmed that  it was his daughter and her boyfriend, who had been staying there without his knowledge.

3/21 - Police told a River Drive man that he was not allowed to burn yard waste in Coulee Dam. The man put his fire out.

- Police pulled over a car with expired tabs on Birch Street. The driver appeared intoxicated and failed field sobriety tests. He refused to give a breath sample. He was arrested and taken to Okanogan County Jail for driving under the influence.

3/23 - A Coulee Dam officer assisted a Grand Coulee officer in an incident on Grand Coulee Avenue. The Coulee Dam officer spoke to a man at a nearby gas station who explained what had occurred at his mother’s residence. He said she was arguing with her ex, and the son got between them to keep it from getting physical. The ex got the son down on the ground, and the mother pointed a handgun at him. He was allowed to get some clothes before he was to leave, and in that process, pulled out a shotgun, and the mother and son ran away from the residence. The mother could be charged with assault for pointing the handgun. The Coulee Dam officer told Grand Coulee officers what he had learned from the son, and Grand Coulee Police handled the rest of the case.

3/25 - Police saw a man wanted on multiple arrest warrants at a gas station in Grand Coulee and followed him in his vehicle to a Weil Place residence, also in Grand Coulee. Police arrested him there without incident, and took him to Lincoln County Jail in Davenport. Grand Coulee Police assisted with the arrest.

- Police were responding to a report of an overdose on Grand Avenue in Electric City, then learned that a medical crew had revived the man who left with a woman. Police then found that the woman had crashed her car into a stop sign in the Four Corners area. The man was taken to the hospital, and police helped with traffic control at the scene of the accident. Grand Coulee Police cited the woman for driving without insurance and driving without a license.

3/26 - Police found that a pit bull on Tilmus Street was on a chain, had climbed over a fence, and was not a threat to anyone.


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