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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee Police

5/8 - A citizen reported that a semi-truck had been parked along Grand Coulee Avenue near the city park overnight and that a vehicle parked by the truck at one point from which a woman got into the semi. She suspected it could have been a prostitute. An officer agreed that parking restrictions could be a reasonable idea outside of the park. He also found out the vehicle parked near the semi had an invalid registration and license plate, so he requested the vehicle be towed.

- After first going to the wrong apartment with a similar address on Grand Coulee Avenue in response to a noise complaint, police then went to the right apartment where a woman admitted to listening to music while cooking dinner. She agreed to turn it down. 

- A Grand Coulee officer stood by while Coulee Dam Police arrested a man on Columbia Avenue in Coulee Dam for violating a protection order. He was in a car with a woman who is the protected person in the order. He admitted to helping her mother move.

- Following a noise complaint, a man holding a plastic vodka bottle on E Street apologized for playing loud rap music and said he’d keep the volume level down.

5/9 - Police spoke to a Grand Coulee Avenue woman about possible code violations, including cars parked on grass.The officer noted that the property had been cleaned up over time and observed a trampoline that had been broken down and stacked neatly. The cars had proper registrations, and the woman explained that one was being sold and that family members were reaching driving age and would be driving the vehicles. She mentioned possibly building a fence for more privacy.

- Police didn’t see any sign of disturbance at the Main Street home of a couple. A child was in good spirits and there were a couple dogs inside. Someone had reported a disturbance, possible fighting, and 15 dogs living there.

- Police saw a woman in security footage prowling vehicles parked behind the Chinese restaurant on Main Street and stealing various items including clothing, sunglasses, snacks, a blanket, and more. A door to a nearby storage building was reportedly kicked in around the same time. A bag of clothes, taken from one of the cars, was found there. The woman has a history of theft and is already wanted on four other arrest warrants. Police are unsure of her whereabouts. She now faces the charges of prowling vehicles, theft, attempted burglary and malicious mischief.

5/10 - Someone reported a semi-truck parked near the city park on Grand Coulee Avenue had been running for days, and that people came and went from the vehicle carrying alcohol. The semi had window shades and wasn’t running when police checked on it. Police decided not to wake the trucker presumed to be sleeping inside.

- A woman on A Street reported someone tried to steal her golden retriever dog. She saw the dog was off its leash and that someone was trying to lure the dog with food down the street. The person ran when she yelled at him. The dog was found by family at a nearby trailer park.

- A man denied sale of alcohol at the hardware store on Midway Avenue allegedly threatened to get a gun and shoot the clerk over the matter. The man had left in his wheelchair. The clerk didn’t wish to press charges, only for him not to return to the store that day. Police told him that.

5/11 - A resident of the Hill Avenue apartments reported that a man in a black, hooded sweatshirt knocked on her door and took off on foot when she said she was going to call the cops.

- A man and woman are being charged with indecent exposure after being caught having sex under the blanket in the middle of the football field at the former middle school. Asked why they thought it was a good place to do so, the man said it was a common trend for people to fornicate on the 50-yard line of football fields in small towns and he wanted to try it. 

- Police responded to a fire on Yakima Street with flames estimated to be 10-15 feet tall and spanning a 50-foot by 50-foot area. A neighbor identified two of three people who were standing in the area when he heard what sounded like a firecracker or gunshot go off, and the fire starting. It appears they were trying to burn garbage for the property owner, who has been told by the city to clean up the property. The two identified men face the charge of reckless burning.

5/11 - A man’s Mitsubishi was sideswiped in the Safeway parking lot, with about $1,400 in damages caused. The owner of the Mitsubishi was able to provide police with a photograph of the car that hit his. Police attempted to contact that driver but hadn’t been able to by the time the police report was written. A witness estimated the driver who hit the Mitsubishi to be in his 70s.

5/12 - A man said he lost his keys at the lower ball field at North Dam Park. Police said they would call him if turned in. 

- Police responded to a report of a woman screaming on Spokane Way. A woman explained her dog was in a fight and she was yelling at the dogs to try to break up the fight. Police saw the dog had blood on its ear. She said she would bandage him up.

5/13 - A leashed dog bit a boy on the chest at North Dam Park during the Colorama festival. The owner of the dog said the dog became overstimulated when the boy got too close and would email the dog’s vaccination records when he got home.

- An intoxicated man was walking in the middle of SR-155 near the Grand Coulee Dam. Police told him to stay on the sidewalk. The man stayed on the sidewalk for a time but then went back in the middle of the road. Police told him he was being detained for disorderly conduct, and offered him a ride home. He said he wanted to go to the casino, so the officer took him there. He thanked the officer for “looking out.”


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