Last summer — about July, I’d guess — I got a phone call from Bubba Egbert. I knew Bubba by reputation, but at that point I’d had only one conversation with him when I’d gone to pick up my daughter after a day she spent hanging out with his sons.
On the phone he said, “It’s looking like I may coach the football team this year, and I need an assistant coach in the school.”
I tried to think of someo...
Reader Comments(1)
Michael Eylar writes:
What a great tribute about someone who was selfless and instilled in others to do something good each day. Couldn‘t we all learn from that, and better yet act upon it? My wife and I watched a video of a colonel providing a graduation speech years ago. He said, “Make your bed every day, because then you have started your day right and accomplished something to lead you through the rest of the day doing more“. We still make our bed every day recollecting his words. So, our hope is that Bubba‘s remarkable influence has instilled those values in every child and adult by his words and actions. Simple acts can be so much more powerful than the grandest gesture.
06/08/2023, 7:12 am