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Reader: no traffic control above canal

I understand the old “why should I have to if they don’t have to.” I’m talking about the police officers assigned to the USBR. I wouldn’t think they need protection inside the project grounds. Security is for the perimeter.

Anyone driving by the blue light house in Coulee Dam must notice that the Grand Coulee police cars don’t seem to leave the house. So why would the officers not assigned to the dam have to leave their house?

We have eight officers employed by Grand Coulee. You would think the town would be flooded with officers. But they give “out of sight and out of mind” a new meaning. At one time, when I was asking our chief of police to have a presence above the canal, I asked what is the benefit to Grand Coulee of having the USBR contract?

His response was there is none.

I asked another officer who is responsible for their retirement. I was told the state. But it’s OK because the state makes a lot of money off of the dam.

So our town thinks it’s OK to hire officers we don’t need. Hire officers the state does not need and stick the state with paying all the benefits.

After three years of COVID and no tourists, what do these people do? It appears they work from home at the blue light house in Coulee Dam.

No wonder the city police would feel this is not fair.

I still have seen no traffic control above the canal.

Robert Fields


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