News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Where is Scott Hunter?

From the reporter's notebook

Everyone knows Scott. In fact, he might be the best known man in our coulee towns.

He owns The Star newspaper, and you might say he is The Star newspaper.

You would have to have Gwen Hilson to take a bow. She has worked there for over 35 years and knows as much about individuals in town as anyone.

Most people know Scott from covering serious and joyous events over a lot of years.

He gets called out from sleep when anything serious happens, camera in hand.

You want to know about things, just wait until Wednesday and you can read about it in The Star.

Scott is at athletic events, often even the out-of-town games.

You will find him at city council meetings, school board meetings, community gatherings, and a host of other events.

You might make the case that there must be two Scott Hunters.

Electric City had a community picnic last Thursday night. Guess who showed up — Scott Hunter, camera in hand.

It’s not easy owning a community newspaper. There are not many advertising slices in small towns, particularly with social media drawing off a lot of advertising dollars.

Spokane, Seattle, Portland, and a host of the larger daily papers have been forced to cut back on both the number of days they publish and where they distribute.

But Scott presses on. Our communities are fortunate that they have a Scott to think more of them than he does himself.

Still, even with such a small newspaper staff, Scott has been chamber of commerce president, president of the local Rotary Club, and active in other things.

Are you really sure there is only one Scott Hunter?

All the while, Scott believes that people have the right to disagree with any editorial position he takes. I have never known him to ridicule anyone who expresses an opinion.

The Star newspaper takes front stage on Wednesday mornings. Lots of people like to pick up their papers at The Star office; it seems they don’t want to wait for any delivery system.

So when you get your paper each week, I remind you that the publication of a community newspaper doesn’t just happen.

Our communities are fortunate to have Scott and Gwen on hand.


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