News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee

2/7 - The Moose Lodge was found to be secure after an alarm went off there. 

2/8 - Police responded to a call regarding a man being on Wenatchee Avenue which is less than 1,000 feet from a Yakima Street residence. The man is restricted from coming within 1,000 feet of that residence due to a protection order. Police searched the area for the man but were unsuccessful in finding him. Police will conduct extra patrols in the area. 

- Police responded to a report of a man walking on Grand Coulee Avenue, waving a stick, and “bowing.” Police saw the man near a gas station and spoke to him. He said he was angry about leaving his watch at home. Police suggested he go get his watch if he was that upset about it and to stay out of the roadway as he walked. He agreed to do so but was also reported that day for yelling at customers at Safeway while holding his stick. An employee stated he hadn’t swung the stick at anyone. Police found him in the Hillcrest Avenue area of Electric City to tell him he was banned from the store. The man was irate about how society was concerned with sex and ranted about that topic. He called the officer “honorable.” The man declined transport to the hospital for mental health issues. The next day, he was banned from North Cascades Bank after reportedly waving his stick and yelling at people in the drive-thru. The man was upset after being told by an officer he was banned. The bank said they would close his account and mail him a check for his remaining balance.

- Police responded to the Hill Avenue apartments after a woman called 911 and said she thought someone was breaking into her apartment. A man walking a dog apologized and explained that his girlfriend’s relative has mental health issues and may have thought someone was breaking in while he was walking his dog. Police checked out the apartment and spoke to the occupants and found nothing amiss. 

2/9 - Someone backed into a man’s vehicle while at city hall. There was no damage to either vehicle. The man contacted police simply to have the incident documented. 

- A man noticed that his vehicle had been scraped when he returned to it in the hospital parking lot. Police photographed the damage and provided him with a case number. An employee told police he would check to see if there was any security footage of the incident. 

- A dog was running at large in the Grand Coulee Avenue area. Police contacted the owner, then located the dog near Jones Street and Dill Avenue. The dog barked and then ran home.

2/10 - Police spoke to the driver of a pickup on Roosevelt Drive after receiving a report of a suspicious vehicle. The driver was simply visiting his brother and there was no need for concern.

2/11 - A Batchelor Square resident was concerned that his front lights were on. The man met police outside, and police entered the residence using his key and found nothing amiss. They turned the lights off.

- A water leak off Federal Avenue was reportedly creating “sink holes” behind buildings facing Midway Avenue. Police and a public works employee used barricades and traffic cones to section off the area from motorists. They could feel the pavement “giving way” and water was coming from the pavement. A city council member stopped and spoke with them as well. The public works employee notified his boss about the situation. 

- The Grand Coulee Dam Security Control Center reported smoke coming from the Washington Flats area. Police went to an area used as a shooting range there and found people cleaning up the area by burning old cardboard used for targets and placing garbage into receptacles. It was also raining at the time. They said they would extinguish the fire once done. The Security Control Center said they were fine with this.

Coulee Dam

2/5 — Police responded to a call about a possible burglary on Silver Drive in Electric City where a vehicle was backed up to a bedroom with a light on. Police spoke to a man who showed a contract for the work he was doing at the residence. No crime was committed.

2/8 - Surveillance footage showed that a 14-year-old student had illegally driven a vehicle and backed into another parked vehicle parked near the high school gym near the shop, causing damage to the bumper. The vehicle was going to be impounded but was released to the mother of the student by the tow truck driver. The mother was unaware the student had driven the vehicle.

- Police went to Stevens Avenue in Electric City where people were soliciting for siding and roofing repairs. They were told to stop until their new license was confirmed with the Department of Licensing. 

2/9 - Police responded to an activated alarm on Grand Avenue in Electric City. An employee didn’t know the code. No one had attempted entry to the building and everything was fine.

2/10 - Police collected details about one vehicle striking an employee’s parked vehicle in the Harvest Foods parking lot. The employee said he would work on collecting security footage of the accident or of the suspect vehicle leaving the lot. 

- Police received a report of a man running around Coulee Dam with a gasoline can and acting strangely. As the man was causing alarm for the town, an officer chose to buy the man some gasoline for him and his two friends so they could get on their way. He was then taken to Elmer City where his vehicle was.

2./11 - Security footage showed a female stealing a coin jar and box of baking soda off the counter at A&S Grocery in Electric City. The female ran out of the store and got into a green Ford Explorer from which police were able to obtain a partial license plate number. The owner of the store wanted the female banned. The vehicle was then seen in Coulee Dam and stopped on Holly Street. The driver said he was unaware of the theft and had only been in possession of the vehicle, which belongs to his aunt, for a couple hours. He was able to identify the suspect from a photo. She is to be banned permanently from the grocery store upon next contact from police.

- Police performed a welfare check on a Fir Street woman at the request of her husband. Her phone had been off, and police helped her turn it back on so she could call him.

- Police spoke to an Idaho woman who was concerned about her father who had been staying with her but left. She was told he was staying at a motel in Coulee Dam. She was concerned because he suffers from dementia. Police told her their limits regarding mental health issues and collected details so other officers would be aware of the situation. 

- Police checked on a Cedar Street woman. Her son had been concerned about her. She was doing fine and contacted her son.


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