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Community-wide, all-council meeting proposed

Grand Coulee’s new mayor, Mike Eylar, has proposed a joint meeting with the city councils of four local cities.

Eylar brought the idea up at the Regional Board of Mayors meeting Wednesday. He said he and many local elected officials attended a training at Grand Coulee City Hall recently when he was surprised to see many officials from other cities there too.

“It was exciting to have a good portion of the various city councils in attendance,” he said. He first broached the idea to Mayor Bob Poch, of Coulee Dam, who said he liked the idea.

“Maybe we ought to consider doing this intentionally,” Eylar said.

Neither Eylar nor Poch had discussed the idea with their own councils but each believed they would be agreeable.

Elmer City Mayor Jesse Tillman agreed to bring it up with his council, as did Electric City Mayor Diane Kohout.

Electric City’s council approved of the concept when they met Tuesday night.

“I can’t help but feel that our one community — which, in my eyes, we are one community” Eylar said — “would benefit from having all of the elected officials that represent our community all together at one time, in one place, to a degree as a show of solidarity.”

Poch said he is “for it” as are some city employees. “I think it’s a giant step in the right direction that needs to take place.”

The mayors kicked around a possible time to hold the meeting, probably later this spring.

Poch said the ballroom at Coulee Dam’s city hall can hold 300 people.

The mayors planned to bring it up to each of their councils, and, if all agree, set a date at the next month’s RBOM meeting.


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