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Coulee Cops

Coulee Dam Police

3/11 - A Grand Avenue man was cited for failure to register a potentially dangerous dog. Back in December 2023, the dog had bitten a police officer at the residence to collect paperwork related to a separate incident.

3/12 - An Electric City woman reported her deceased ex-husband’s vehicle as stolen. The vehicle was first marked as stolen, then unmarked as she had no legal right to the vehicle. The bank that owns the vehicle has a repo company actively looking for it.

- Coulee Dam and Grand Coulee police searched the Washington Flats gun range area after receiving a report of a possibly suicidal person being there. Police didn’t find any people or vehicles in the area.

3/13 - Police responded to an activated alarm on Washington Place and found all the gates on the fence locked, the residence and garage secure, and vehicles that also appeared to be undisturbed. Police didn’t see any people or vehicles in the area.

- A Coulee Dam officer was ready to assist Grand Coulee Police who were in an on-foot pursuit of a man heading toward Electric City, possibly in regard to a protection order violation. The Coulee Dam officer then learned the man was in custody and his assistance wasn’t needed in the matter.

3/13 - Police collected statements and details regarding a possible order violation near the veterans center in Electric City. A man and woman both have protection orders against one another, and complicating things more, work together and attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings together. The woman was reportedly trying to talk to the man near the vet center, but there was no eye witness and the woman denied the allegation.

- An outbuilding and shed had open doors and lights on at the football field in Coulee Dam. Police didn’t see anyone in the buildings and secured them before leaving.

3/14 - An Electric City man said his had kids left the gate open, letting the dogs loose, but that the dogs returned. Police told him to make sure and keep the dogs secure in the future so they aren’t running at large.

- An Okanogan County juvenile probation officer told police about a Lake Roosevelt student making threats toward his grandmother in Nespelem. Police told the officer to contact tribal police about the matter as that is their jurisdiction.

- A man from Newman Lake, Washington reported someone wearing a utility vest was walking around his Electric City property. Neighbors confirmed that it had been a utility worker.

- Two puppies and their mother were running loose outside a Roosevelt Avenue residence. A woman opened the gate to let the dogs back onto the property.

3/15 - Police assisted Grant County Probation attempting to locate a Kelso Avenue woman but she was neither at her residence nor the casino in Coulee Dam. Officers were instructed to detain her if found.

- Police let a deer out of a fenced-in area at the city shop in Coulee Dam on Columbia Avenue.

- A female was reported as saying “help me” while being taken away in a blue truck from Douglas Avenue. Police treated the situation as a possible abduction and told tribal police about the situation as well. However, she was found near Douglas Park. she said had been in an argument with her boyfriend and gotten into his truck but wasn’t in need of help or in danger. She appeared safe and was in the care of her uncle.

3/16 - A suspicious person was reported as knocking on an Aspen Street door then walking away. The area was checked and the person didn’t return.

- Police spoke with Central Drive neighbors who have an ongoing dispute over barking dogs. The owner of the dogs is taking measures to stop the dogs from barking.


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