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Coulee Cops

Coulee Dam Police

3/31 - An Electric City man detailed to police an online scam that involved his applying for a loan, getting approved, then being asked to take insurance on the loan, making a $500 payment with a gift card purchase in Wilbur. He later found it all suspicious, canceled the card, talked with his bank, and more. Police warned the man about the dangers of online scams and to look out for that kind of thing.

4/1 - A Coulee Dam officer assisted the Grant County Sheriff’s Office by responding to the Grand Coulee RV Park on SR-174 where a man who had been banned from the premises was present. Police saw the man but learned he was not aware of being banned yet. The man was arrested on an unrelated warrant out of Okanogan County. He complained of chest pains while being taken there, and an ambulance took him to the hospital where he was cleared for jail. The Coulee Dam officer transported him part way and met up with an Okanogan County deputy who took him the rest of the way.

- A Grand Coulee officer requested a second officer be present for a suspicious persons call on Cardinal Road. The situation had already been taken care of once Coulee Dam Police arrived and two suspects were leaving the area. 

4/2 - Police checked on a man on Goodfellow Avenue at the request of his granddaughter who had been unable to reach him. The man was fine and said he just wanted to be left alone. 

4/3 - Police documented an incident in which a former tenant of a River Drive apartment may have been the one who broke into her former mailbox there. No charges were filed.

- Police stopped a vehicle that turned from River Drive onto Elmer City Access Road, entering the oncoming lane of travel. The driver was told she was pulled over for the poor turn. She was wanted on arrest warrants out of Lincoln and Grant counties. Lincoln County confirmed on their warrant and she was taken to the jail there.

- Police went to a Lakeview Avenue home for a welfare check. There, an officer spoke to an elderly couple and gathered that the woman had been nervous about the man not being home. But since he came back, there was nothing to worry about.

4/5 - Police checked on the safety and wellbeing of some kids at an Electric City residence because of concerns over possible drug use. Police found the kids to be doing fine and playful, and their mother to show no signs of impairment or drug use.

- A man on River Drive explained that he was attempting to tell a man with a camper on his property that he was no longer welcome there because of issues with neighbors. The man said he would contact police further if his conversation didn’t go well with the man with the camper and if he needed to be removed.

4/6 - At about 3 a.m., an officer spoke with a man at a gas station in Grand Coulee who said he had been in a fight with a man somewhere on Coulee Boulevard in Electric City. He had some blood on his pants and forearm and showed police his hands to show he hadn’t punched anyone. He said he didn’t know who the other guy was and that he had walked off following the fight. The man didn’t want to disclose much more information. He didn’t want to press charges, and police didn’t receive another call regarding the incident. 

- A woman on 6th Street in Coulee Dam reported that someone, possibly her son, had broken into her vehicle and possibly smoked something. Police explained they’d have to get a search warrant to get security footage from the casino, but the woman felt like it wasn’t worth the hassle and didn’t wish to press any charges. Police said they would patrol the area.

- The high school principal received a phone call with someone seemingly disguising their voice saying, “I’m looking at you through your windows.” It was possibly a student prank. Police called the number back, with no answer, and left a message requesting a call back.

- A Coulee Dam officer assisted a Grand Coulee officer at Jess Ford where he had probable cause to arrest someone for felony harassment. When the Coulee Dam officer arrived, the Grand Coulee officer had his gun drawn and pointed at a man lying prone on the ground. The Coulee Dam officer searched the man and removed a pocketknife. The police report noted that the man is known to have erratic behavior. He was put into the Grand Coulee officer’s patrol car and Grand Coulee Police handled the other details of the case.

4/7 - Police checked on the wellbeing of a man sleeping on the grass at Freedom Point Plaza in Coulee Dam. The man woke up when contacted. He said he was fine, just taking a nap. 


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