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Would our young defend the U.S.?

We recently celebrated Memorial Day, a time of remembrance of those brave Americans who gave their lives to promote and protect the right of men everywhere to live free and responsibly in peace. My own Dad served in the army in Hawaii after the bombing of Pearl Harbor which began the Pacific campaign of WWII. We became a nation defending two fronts, one in the Pacific and the other in Europe where we joined forces with Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union against a truly deranged despot named Adolph Hitler. Had the Allies lost that war, our world would look very different than it does today. The same holds true with our fight against Japan and its Emperor Hirohito who instructed the bombing of Pearl Harbor, believing that by striking the Pacific fleet, it would give Japan free reign over the entire Pacific. Isoroku Yamamoto, who received part of his education at Harvard, was the commander of Japan’s combined fleet in the Pacific. He led the attack on Pearl Harbor and commanded the fight in the Pacific against the US and our only ally Great Britain. Japan underestimated the response of the Americans after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. They believed the American public were too apathetic and would never pull together to support a war in the Pacific. Boy were they wrong!!

After WWII was won by the allies and peacetime was once again established, we didn’t take over Japan. We funded and rebuilt Japan and helped it become a thriving economic power for its citizens. In Germany, we did the same. Although we have maintained a military presence in Europe, we did not take over any European country after the war.

I often heard my dad speak about how proud he was to be an American. Not pride about being white, not about being “privileged,” or about being rich (we weren’t, we struggled financially like most of the rest of the people we knew), but about how fortunate we were to live in the most free, liberty-loving country on the face of the whole earth. I say this as background to how I was raised. My public education as a kid augmented what we were taught at home.

All of the above leads me to the dilemma we face in America today…If the majority of our young men and women in the U.S. were faced with the same threat Japan and Germany posed to the United States….no, to the WORLD…during WWII, would there even be a will to stand up to that threat? Or has the “enemy within” already claimed the victory in that fight?

President Ronald Reagan said if we lose freedom in America there is no other nation coming to our rescue. We are the last true bastion of freedom in the world today. I see online posts and comments by young people coming out of our American education system harboring not only a hatred of their (our) country, but an attitude of shame about even being U.S. citizens. It seems their freedom to live perverse and selfish lives are the only freedoms they care about. That and siding with terrorists and enemies of our great nation. How has this happened? Is it because we have allowed wolves dressed as sheep to become our kids’ mentors? In our wanting to be “open minded” have we neglected teaching our progeny the truth about our country’s fight to defend the freedoms our fathers, their fathers etc. fought to protect? Have we failed to proclaim the imperfect struggle we have waged to promote and protect the greatest experimental idea of a free republic ever conceived in the history of man? We as U.S. citizens have enjoyed liberties which are the envy of the world. That is why so many risk life and limb to come to the United States! Those freedoms are at risk today. But as we acknowledged on Memorial Day the military service members who bled and died for the liberty we enjoy today, I feel many of our young citizens are either willfully ignoring this truth, or they have been brainwashed by our liberal education system and would gladly sacrifice the country our forefathers gave their lives to protect. We have neglected our responsibility to make sure that our system of education is not taken over by vipers who have spoon fed Marxism, socialism, communism and other “isms” as a steady diet to our kids. If our country fails, it is our fault…because WE grew apathetic and let the enemy come in through the back door. We didn’t love our own freedom enough to vote for responsible and non-greedy gatekeepers in our government, and we failed to educate our children with the TRUTH in our own homes. We trusted the “professionals” to handle what was our responsibility alone. I hope and pray it’s not too late to turn our nation around.

With all sincerity and hope,

Sheryl Moore


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