Oh-K, I’m sorry. I should not have made everybody read my smarty mouth letters. I was really looking for a targeted reader. This huge pile of concrete has sat for years, I know the project had no plans to deal with this eyesore.
I am not so naïve to think my letters would change their minds. Fact, nobody likes to be reminded of their obligations. Now they are really not going to look into this mess. This is pretty much what I figured would happen.
My target readers list should be a superintendent or someone in upper management. So as Paul Harvey would say, now here is the rest of the story.
Years ago, I started to contact upper management on the Grand Coulee Project. My calls were handed down the ladder. I did receive a return call. We talked and I was told it would be easiest to just have it moved. One year later I repeated the effort and received a call from the same person, H said he tried to have this eyesore moved but was told the crew was busy. I felt he tried his best but was not successful.
This pile of concrete is an eyesore for me and every happy camper that drives by on their family vacation.
At the end if July whether this letter is published or not, I will be contacting the 208 regional office to see if they can help me better understand why the Grand Coulee Project 230 yard is being used for a public landfill and creating an eyesore for every camper that drives by it.
Robert Fields
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