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Sometimes dreams do come true

From the reporter's notebook

Dreams did come true for Colleen Leskinen of Nespelem.

Last week Colleen had an open house for her new daycare center.

The daycare, just 50 yards from Colleen’s house, will be fully operable when state licensing officials make their official visit and signoff on the 2,400 square foot daycare building. Colleen is licensed for 35 children. She currently has 28.

Building a new facility has long been a dream of Colleen’s. Her dream has come true. Her home and new daycare building is at the end of a long lane. If her dog Duke doesn’t announce your arrival, some 40 peacocks most certainly will. The peacocks think they are watchdogs. Who will try to convince them otherwise?

Colleen said, “It’s mine.” All bought and paid for, she added. Collen picked out all the furnishings. Tables and chairs to size for the collection of 28 students. Many of them, plus their parents or guardians, were on hand for a look see.

Colorful rugs with animal features make the spaces more interesting. There’s even a stuffed peacock in one of the areas.

I, along with my granddaughter Ashley Landeros, had visited with Colleen about a year ago to learn of her dream, which then seemed a long time off. Last week, I visited along with my great granddaughter Kaylee Landeros. We were both impressed. However, I wasn’t surprised, because I’ve come to know that Colleen doesn’t do things halfway.

The Nespelem area is enriched by Colleen’s Child Care Center. Colleen is a former mayor of Nespelem. A horse sculpture designed and built by the late Smoker Marchand is in Leskinen’s driveway. It simply describes Colleen Leskinen. She is a woman of the earth.

So dreams sometimes do come true. Colleen’s did. Her case is unusual because she made the dream come true.


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