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Re: "Joe Biden is not the candidate who needs to quit the race" (Star, July 3)

Letters from our readers

I see The Star newspaper had to go clear to Philadelphia Political columnist to report what the Star Thinks.

However, there are several Exaggerations and some outright lies.

(Dick Polman called Trump a Pathological Lier). I would like to know what he was referring to. He didn’t mention Biden being a pathological Lier. Biden has been telling us the border is closed and the border is secure, the biggest lie ever with over 15 million illegals crossing the border. Telling us he was the top 10% of his class when he was the lowest 10%. He said he had worked as a big truck driver. He never accepted money from China. He never talked to his son or brother about their foreign business. I could go on, but it would take the whole paper.

(Dick Polman stated Trump was charged with stealing classified documents). Well, he didn’t steal them he was allowed to declassify them. Biden has many classified documents but was let off because he was OLD and Bad memory, he had no legal right to have them as he was a Senator not a President at the time.

Trump attacked the integrity of the Judge in the Stormy Daniels case WHO WOULDENT? the trial was completely rigged by the prosecutor and judge, wouldn’t let an expert testify at the trial about political hush money federal law. The US Federal prosecutors investigated the allegations and said there was no law broken. The prosecution attorney was working in the US Attorney General office and left to prosecute Trump taking a much less paying job.

He stated that Trump would pull out of NATO (False) he stated if the NATO countries did not pay their required share, he would not protect them, The United States was paying most of the money coming into NATO.

Said Trumps Appalling response to the covid, however he failed TO MENTION Trump followed the directions of the Pandemic expert (the longest employee of the Federal Government) DR. Fouche.

January 6th Trump approved up to 10,000 National Guards for the Capitol. The DC Mayor rejected the offer and so did Congress Leader Nancy Palosi. Just lately Nancy Palosi admitted it.

I don’t blame Trump from questioning the 2020 election look at all the people that have been caught stuffing ballots, restricting the people from the ballots counting, pulling out tubs of ballots from underneath tables covered with table clothes until observers were removed from the premises.

(Norm Luther stated Trump would be a dictator). Trump said he would be a dictator on day one by closing the border and drill baby drill. Before that he stated he would not be a dictator then he stated only one day.

(Norm Luther said Trump Would take retribution against past and present opposition) Trump said his retribution would be success Not retribution.

Any time the Democrats accuse the Republicans of doing something that is exactly what the democrats are doing. President Biden is the worst President in history.

Carl Russell


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