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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


7/29 - Police were unable to locate a girl who had kicked her mother’s bedroom door on Weil Place, causing damage, before taking off on foot. The mother didn’t wish to press charges.

7/30 - A woman reported her house on Dill Street had the door forced open and that pots were missing from the kitchen. She requested that a man seen cutting a fallen tree in her yard earlier be banned from the property.

7/31 - A man reportedly threatened to shoot someone at Steamboat Rock State Park. A State Parks ranger requested assistance. A Grand Coulee officer responded as well as a Coulee Dam officer and a Grant County deputy. While speaking to the officers, the man was mostly calm, according to the Grand Coulee report. He spoke to the Grand Coulee officer about military service. The Coulee Dam officer reported that the man was said to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, had a valid concealed weapons permit, and was known to be aggressive at times. There was insufficient evidence to arrest him for a threat, according to the Grand Coulee report. He was issued a notice of infraction by the Parks officer. The Coulee Dam report noted that the Parks officer felt he had sufficient evidence to expel the man from Washington State Parks.

8/3 - An employee of the gas station at Four Corners believes his car was broken into. He said maybe $2 worth of quarters was all that was missing.

8/4 - A suspicious person was reported being on the bridge over the canal with a floatation device and a laptop. Police learned from Bureau of Reclamation security that the person was an authorized surveyor taking measurements. 

Coulee Dam Police

7/29 - Police went to milepost 22 on SR-155 where a vehicle had apparently left the roadway causing significant damage to the vehicle. The occupants could not speak English. Grant County Sheriff’s Office took over the situation.

- A man sleeping in his vehicle at Coulee Playland told police he wasn’t camping there. Police told him the owners requested that he leave the property. He started up his truck and left.

7/30 - Police found a vehicle connected to a theft that Omak police told them about. The vehicle was parked by the bowling alley. A girl in the back seat said it was their uncle’s car and she was just getting a ride and he was in the casino. The girl then left the car and a man came by and told police whose car it was. The car had mismatched plates and expired tabs and so it was towed.

- Police didn’t see anything suspicious at the park on Mead Way after responding to a report of something suspicious.

- A Coulee Dam officer called an ambulance for a driver who was in an accident on River Drive and stood by while tribal police handled the situation.

7/31 - A woman was banned from a Palmer Avenue residence in Electric City where she had been allowed to stay for a week but not longer. The girl walked away after getting frustrated while talking about getting her possessions back. She is believed to be the person who was throwing rocks at the house later at night. She denied doing so in a later contact but was told by police not to return to the property or harass the owners. 

- There was a hit and run accident at Coulee Playland with the car then heading towards Sunbanks Lake Resort. Footage showed a man park a Trailblazer at Coulee Playland, go inside the building, get back into his vehicle then back into a parked Chevy pickup. The owner of the Chevy didn’t wish to press charges but wanted the insurance information of the driver. The license plate was registered to a woman in Reardan. The Coulee Dam officer will contact a Reardan officer to figure out who was driving the car and get the insurance info. 

8/1 - Police were unable to locate a man and woman reported to be acting suspiciously in the River Drive area.

8/2 - Police were contacted by an employee of Umpqua Bank that had obtained possession of property on McNett Avenue in Electric City and wanted a junk vehicle removed. Police helped the person start the process for removing the vehicle.

- 9-year-olds were hanging out near the church on Spruce Street. Reportedly some girls were throwing rocks at some boys, and a girl was possibly hit in the leg with a BB gun. Police spoke to the mother and the boy who had the BB gun, who said he had grabbed it after a girl had slapped him. He said he didn’t point it at anyone and held it pointed towards the sky and it was also unloaded as the BBs are kept separate from the gun. Police warned him not to use the BB gun to intimidate people. The boy said he understood. 

8/4 - Police didn’t see anything when responding to a report of suspicious people possibly using narcotics in a car on 6th Street.


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