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After a decade of planning and debate, Electric City residents may see early signs of their first city-owned park before the snow falls.
Park Planning Committee members are hoping so, as they discussed plans September 3 to get bids for concrete or asphalt, a perimeter fence, rocks, excavation, and lawn irrigation.
A six-piece set of outdoor fitness equipment is already on the way, which will include a cross-country skier machine, a sit-up bench, a rower, a fit rider, an elliptical and a warm-up station for the “parcourse.” The set is within the $10,000 price range originally budgeted, and will fit in a 13x30-foot space right behind the city’s fire station between McNett Avenue and School Avenue.
Currently, the city has reserved $161,000 for park development. A recently updated state law allows cities to contract with nonprofit organizations to develop and enhance parks.
Electric City has partnered with Run the Dam to get the project done. Since Run the Dam is not a government entity, they don’t have to follow requirements around the bidding process and prevailing wages. The city can reimburse the nonprofit up to $75,000 annually for park-related expenses.
The fenced, rectangular park will eventually include a covered picnic shelter with tables and charcoal BBQ, a vault toilet, water fountain, and an ADA-compliant paved hiking path along with the outdoor fitness equipment.
The vibe in the room was notably enthusiastic.
“I’m excited we’re gonna buy some shit and get going,” said committee co-chair Mark Payne, who has been on the committee for several years and is also the Electric City Volunteer Fire Chief. He said he hopes they can “get some stuff done and in before fall.”
Brian Buche is the city council’s liaison to the parks committee and is the husband of Kelly Buche, Run the Dam’s executive director.
Councilmember Buche echoed the committee’s optimism when reporting back to the full council Sept. 10. Run the Dam’s recent Swing for the Good golf tournament benefit raised just shy of $11,000 for the Electric City project.
“We’re gonna get going on this park,” he said. “It’s gonna happen.”
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