News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Legal Notices

GCD School District


Notice is hereby given that the Grand Coulee Dam School District Board of Directors will be holding a joint board meeting with Nespelem School District Board of Directors. This meeting will take place at LaPresa, 6pm on Wednesday, October 16.

(Publish October 9, 2024)

Grand Coulee Dam School District

Board of Directors

Cancellation of

October 14th School

Board Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Grand Coulee Dam School District Board of Directors will not be holding their October 14th school board meeting due to it being a Holiday.

(Publish October 9, 2024)


Notice is hereby given that Port District #7 of Grant County, Washington will be changing their Regular Meeting for the month of October from 10/31/24 to 10/17/24, at 3:45 p.m. due to a lack of quorum for the regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting will be held by telephone conference call-in. Anyone wishing to join the conference call can contact the District Secretary at for connection instructions.

This notice is given by order of Jim Keene, Chair, Port District #7 Board of Commissioner.

(Publish October 9, 2024)

City of Electric City


The Electric City normally scheduled council meeting in October has been rescheduled from Tuesday, October 8 to Thursday, October 17. This is a onetime re-schedule.

(Publish Octtober 9, 2024)

City of Grand Coulee



The city council will hold a public hearing on revenue sources for the 2025 budget, including considera-tion of possible increases in property tax revenues, on October 15, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. The public hearing will be held in the council chambers of the Grand Coulee City Hall. All interested persons will be given the opportunity to provide both written and oral comments on the revenue sources for the 2025 budget at said public hearing. The city hall is accessible to persons with disabilities.

Lorna Pearce, Clerk Treasurer

(Publish October 9, 2024)



Okanogan County Code Amendment 2023-1,

Chapter 17A Zoning

2nd comment period

following public hearing

Notice is hereby given that Okanogan County Office of Planning and Development is releasing the second round of revisions to the Zone Code, Chapter 17A for public comment. Following the adoption of its Comprehensive Plan, Okanogan County proposed to make various updates to sections of the Okanogan County Code, Chapter 17A, Zoning. Early in 2024 a revision was made to the zone code, public comment accepted, and a public hearing was held which prompted additional revisions to be made to the code. Those additional revisions include:

a. Returning the height & density back to the text portion of each designation however it will also be left in the newly created chart.

b. Returning lot coverage under 17A.040.090 back to lot coverage not applicable.

c. Keeping the Rural 1 designation (rather than changing it to Rural 2) with additional provisions.

d. Added “B” back into the density under 17A.060.060 Density under Rural 20 (R20) designation to allow for multi family dwellings. (B. Maximum of five multi-family dwelling units, or mobile home parks units (located within a permitted mobile home park), per acre.)

e. Added provisions to 17A.130.110 Special Provisions of the Methow Review District to address outdoor lighting, light & glare, and ridge top development.

f. Removed all changes made to 17A.230.030 Temporary Use Permits Application Requirements.

The initial proposed changes included the water availability section of the code being revised to incorporate current statutory, regulatory, and judicial requirements. A Special Uses provision was added to the code, which adopts zoning and land use regulations specific to cryptocurrency operations, electric vehicle charging stations, wind energy facilities and solar energy facilities.

The District Use chart was updated. Proposed updates to the District Use chart change (1) certain previously permitted or conditional uses to unpermitted, (2) change certain previously permitted uses to conditional uses, (3) change certain conditional uses to permitted uses; and (4) change certain previously unpermitted uses to conditional or permitted.

The intent of this code amendment is to bring consistency between the adopted Comprehensive Plan and the development regulations and the zoning map.

Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to submit written comments on the non-project Okanogan County Zone Code revision proposal. The deadline for submitting written comments is November 12, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. You may submit your comments in writing or electronically to: or comments can be mailed or delivered to 123 5th Ave N. Suite 130, Okanogan WA 98840.

A public hearing in front of the Board of County Commissioners for this project will be noticed soon after the closing of written public comment (November 12, 2024). Verbal comment may be given at the public hearing.

Date of Publish is: October 9 & 10, 2024

October 16 & 17, 2024

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