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Start acting like it

Letters from our readers

The elections always generate a lot of enthusiasm and competition. Overall, that’s a good thing — a sign of a healthy Democracy. 

But when things get too heated, it become corrosive. People who oppose Donald Trump aren’t “haters.” They disagree with his positions. Kamala Harris isn’t “retarded” (an antiquated and cruel word for people with intellectual disabilities). She is an accomplished, intelligent woman. Democrats are not “Marxists,” “Socialists,” or “Communists.” That’s a ridiculous assertion on its face, at least to those of us who know the definitions of those words. Being “woke” is not a pejorative. At its heart, it means showing common courtesy, being open-minded, and minding your own business. 

This sort of language has no place in an American election, and it sets a terrible example for our young people. Being loud, rude, and loutish is not the behavior of a mature, successful adult outside of “Reality” TV shows. 

We are one nation under God. Let’s start acting like it. 

Dan Langdon


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